School Events

Tittle : Dental Checkup Camp

A child should be seen by a pediatric dentist, no matter how young that child is, if the parent thinks there could be a dental problem. No child is too young for good dental health.

Keeping health and hygiene as a prior importance in the school curriculum a thorough Dental Checkup was organized for the children in association with Clove Dentals under Smiles for Schools initiative. The camp was initiated with dental awareness talk, educating students about common dental ailments, especially stressing on tooth decay and gum diseases and measures to prevent from them.  The students were highlighted about the eating patterns and food choices which cause tooth decay. The students got ample opportunities to interact with the dental surgeons to enquire and gain knowledge concerning oral diseases. On completion of the dental checkup each student was given a Patient Card, a report summary of the diagnosed problem and the recommended dental treatment plan.

The Dental Checkup enlightened not only the parents but also provided the school an opportunity to give the best treatment to the children.